The Light Within- Alison Santa Maria

The Light Within

by Alison Santa Maria
Exhibit opens October 4th, 5-9 pm
Artist Talk: October 15th, 5:30 pm
On display through October 25th

Show Description: 

This collection of porcelain and stoneware sculptures emerged initially as a tribute and reflection of what I find the most inspiring and aesthetically pleasing: the shapes that define the human influence on the American Southwest landscape. As a descendent of homesteaders and cattle ranchers along the Colorado/ New Mexico border, I’ve spent the summers of my life in the most beautiful and expansive landscapes of the Southwest. These places, especially my family ranch, have held me, comforted me, and brought me back home to myself over and over again. This work explores the relationship between self and place, of nature and human domination, and ultimately of what it means to be and feel “at home”. Creating this collection allowed me the time and space to adopt the concept that the most sacred home we can find, foster, cultivate, and nurture - is the home within ourselves. The lighting element was the focus of this work from the beginning, because home is the place where the light is left on to welcome us when we return. This life requires us to be vigilant in maintaining that our inner light, the light within, always stays on, no matter how dim it may flicker at times. We must keep the faith in ourselves enough to keep our own light on, for ourselves and for the world. We must shelter and protect it, but not so much we suffocate it; much in the same way early homesteaders preserved the fire that burned in the hearth of humble homes and provided light and warmth to nurture families. Those fires are why I’m here today, and so this show is dedicated to my family and our beloved Stonewall ranch. 

Artist Bio: 

Alison Santa Maria is a ceramic artist and sculptor working mainly with porcelain.
A native of Colorado Springs, she has a profound love and appreciation for the landscapes, shapes, and colors that define the American Southwest both natural and architectural. A natural born creative with a curious spirit, a knack for nuance, and an appreciation for all art forms, Alison began working with clay in 2018 at the request of her best friend who wanted to give her a private wheel-throwing lesson (coupled with tequila). What began as a silly new experience, soon became a driving force in her life for learning, exploration, curiosity, patience, and surrender. She began sculpting in 2021 and is largely self-taught. Professionally, Alison is a passionate Dyslexia Therapist who owns a private practice that serves to identify and remediate children with dyslexia in our community. She also owns an independent potters studio which allows other budding artists and hobbyists to pursue their creativity with clay. Lastly, she and her husband host 70’s themed disco dance parties periodically throughout the year. When she’s not working at one of her many jobs or businesses, Alison enjoys traveling, spending time with her many friends, recreating in the great outdoors with her husband, and snuggling her adorable and goofy dog, Hoagie Daniel.