Collection: Lupita Carrasco

Lupita Carrasco is an artist, wife, and mother of seven children. She has also been the sole caregiver to her mother, who suffers from schizoaffective disorder, since 2002. Born and raised in San Diego, California, her tumultuous childhood and vibrant Mexican culture lend their voice to her artistic language. Existential connectivity, intimate wonder, and belonging are familiar themes found in her paintings.

Lupita’s work revolves around survival. Allowing herself to break open in the most vulnerable of places, she explores how trauma affects self-worth, self-care, and the ability to love and nurture others. Family, friends, and the environment she is intimately acquainted with are at the heart of her work. She pairs images from hikes, interactions between her children, mothering activities, and places she longs to be, showing a perceived interpretation of the self, familial relationships, and the monotony of domestic obligations. A mother perpetually caught between raising her own children and mothering a parent. Art is an avenue for processing her measure of the human condition. 

The Lillian Orlowsky and William Freed Grant And the Provincetown Art Association and Museum.

Lupita Carrasco