Garden Amnesia- Melinda Briggs
Garden Amnesia
by Melinda Briggs
About the Exhibit:
If you've lived here for a while you likely have suffered from garden amnesia. It's so easy to forget the wonder that resides in our backyard. The red rocks are so quiet and regal, the understated gorgeous prairie grasses that cozy in beside them, and the skies sprinkled with spontaneous sunsets. As humans, we are quick to forget. Painting this show helped crack open the door to the garden with a new experience. It caused me to take another loop around the park or plan an extra hike. It encouraged me to explore new paths and viewpoints that I might not otherwise have taken. The garden did not disappoint, revealing new layers, new ridges, and new glows in the various nooks and keyholes of the rocks.
My hope in this show is to give you a ‘local only’ view that will inspire a sense of renewed romance. This body of work also encapsulates the fact that the garden is a shared experience for our community. Many of the reference photos for these paintings are from photographers, rock climbers, and fellow local enthusiasts. May these paintings reinvigorate your love of our garden and may they inspire you to go paint. As you meditate on this vistas, may you hear the whispers of glory.
About the Artist:
Melinda enjoys the elusive challenge of translating what catches the eye into a moment captured on canvas. She is spurred forward by the allure of all there is to see and learn. Melinda has found that creating art allows for an opportunity to explore time standing still, and a glimpse into eternity. When she senses those moments of endlessness, she hears the whispers of better things to come. Her hope is when she paints she can give a sense of delight to the viewer. She has a Masters in Art Education from the University of Florida. Melinda paints impressionistic contemporary landscapes in oils and watercolor. Her goal is to inspire more people to paint the great outdoors in Colorado Springs. One of the ways she is working on that is by teaching watercolor classes at Surface Gallery. She is inspired by her students and excited by what the next horizon will bring.