Forms of Consolation: new work by Becca Day

Forms of Consolation, New Work by Becca Day
About the Exhibit:
This collection of new work by Becca Day served as a personal meditation on the idea of consolation. She invites you to consider with her the idea that visual abstraction can defy sentimentality and serve as both an escape and relief, offering a sense of healing and empowerment. We can then extend our renewed peace to our relationships and world. Becca drew inspiration from early-mid 20th century American abstract expressionism as well as her personal favorite comforts of nature, music, poetry, and movement. Her paintings are primarily oil paint on canvas or panel.
About the Artist:
Becca Day creates nonobjective abstraction that allows room for the viewers’ own interpretation. The subject of herwork is simply the way the paint is applied to the canvas. Each painting is its own experiment. Sometimes a“meaning” of a painting will strike her after the painting is made. You are invited to find your own meaning or
observe the work without deriving meaning—the enjoyment beyond language can itself be the meaning.
The act of painting for Becca, is an expression of personal freedom and resistance against perfectionism, whileat the same time, a practice of refining skill and mastery. She is interested in how intuition plays a role in art making, and paints with the intent of creating work that captures the interplay of chaos and order, which is anecho of her own experience of the world.
Becca grew up in Colorado Springs and has always enjoyed art. She has primarily focused on abstract paintingfor the past five years. She is largely self-taught in addition to training in art theory, oil painting and drawing inthe atelier studio of Brett Andrus. She paints with acrylic on canvas and board, with occasional oil paint and mixed media.